Pursue Your Purpose

Purpose-driven Leadership Coaching

[Rewiring beliefs to help you live a more courageous and fulfilled life]

“A common reason for people to feel unsettled in work is because something which had been meaningful has lost its meaning.” Monica Hanaway

Bruno Marques

My coaching starts with the firm belief that you are creative, resourceful and whole.

Recognising that you have the innate resources you need, I will partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process to help you maximise your personal and professional potential.

Purpose, meaning and fulfilment have been at the centre of my thinking for a long time, and these inform my approach to coaching.

I firmly believe that purpose and meaning in life matter, and that everyone deserves to find them and pursue them.

My approach is inquisitive and insightful. To be clear, there is nowhere to hide. We will explore your beliefs about your self, your values and how you derive meaning in life.

I will challenge you to look at your life and your chosen topic in new ways, always seeking a fresh perspective that will help you unlock a new approach to that topic that is more resourceful and authentic to you.

While we may discuss tangible goals, I focus always on the person, believing that a new perspective on life is worth a thousand SMART goals, because actions naturally follow an inspired and motivated outlook on life.

MPhys/Phil in
Physics & Philosophy
University of Oxford

Masters’ level Diploma in
Strategic Management & Leadership
Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

Chartered Manager
and Member of CMI

Professional Certificate in
Executive Coaching
Henley Business School
(in progress)

12 yrs experience in
developing people,
teams and leaders

Formerly a
qualified detective


“Striving to find a meaning in one's life is the primary motivational force.”
Viktor Frankl


Examine your beliefs about life
Find your values
Ignite a fire of motivation


Journey inwards
Clarify your purpose in life
Hardwire strong beliefs about yourself


Develop your own elixir
Build habits and behaviours
Take action again and again

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman


Please note, I am currently taking on new clients by referral or invitation only.

If I have invited you to an initial conversation, it's free. More than that, it's an opportunity to explore what really matters to you. To give us time to go deep enough, we will need at least 60 minutes, ideally 90. If you can't commit that much time to exploring what matters to you in life, then you don't need coaching on it yet. That's absolutely fine - contact me when you're ready.

I work with fascinating, driven leaders who are committed to making a significant impact on the world.

If you are committed, and if you do want to invest that time exploring what matters most to you, and how to do it better, then please get in touch and let's arrange time to think together.

I look forward to helping you impact the world in a way that is unique and meaningful to you.

Have any questions?

“Meaning is one of the main forces in human thinking, motivation and behaviour.”
Yannick Jacob

Photographs of Aurora Borealis and Svalbard Mountains Copyright © 2019 Bruno Marques